Jorge Mira

Jorge Mira

£ 14.00 
Thermal shock - Washed


This zingy, tropical coffee is summer in a cup! It was produced on El Jaragual, a family-operated farm owned by Jonny Martinez and his brother, and overseen by their cousin, Jorge Mira. The farm is located at 1500 M.A.S.L in the Amalfi municipality of Antiquoia, in the central Colombian Andes. This coffee underwent multi-stage processing, involving extended fermentation phases with yeast inoculation, and washing the beans at different temperatures (between 5°C and 45°C) to accentuate and stabilise the mango and apricot flavour precursors developed during fermentation. Amazing brewed in any filter device - from V-60 to cold brew - this coffee is unmissable!

The story

In 2019 Jonny Martinez and his brother bought the plot of land on which they have established El Jaragual farm. Their cousin, Jorge, currently oversees the production of coffee on the farm. Jorge also harnesses his prior experience as a forestry engineer to conserve large swathes of native forest across the farm, as well as cultivating pine trees for sustainable timber production.

The family grows seven different coffee cultivars, including this caturra, under plantain trees and other native species for shade. They are also planting new cultivars less commonly found in Colombia, such as Sidra, from seeds brought back from Ecuador.

Since 2019, Jonny and his family have been preparing for the farm’s first harvest in 2023. This vibrant Caturra is from that first harvest - and what an incredible way to kick things off.

Production process

This coffee underwent a multi-stage process - inspired by the inimitable Wilton Benitez and his unique processing methods - to create and accentuate the mad tropical flavours expressed in the cup.  

1. Harvesting, floating, oxidisation

The ripe cherries were selectively harvested based on strict ripeness criteria (with the aim of ensuring that 90% of the picked cherries are ripe), then floated so as to remove any overripe or underripe cherries. The cherries are oxidised in a food-grade plastic drum for 24 hours, then pulped (to remove the surrounding fruit from the seed).  After pulping, the coffee is oxidised for another 24 hours, to remove the mucilage, then washed at 45°C to create a “thermal shock”.

2. Fermentation, yeast innovation, washing

The coffee beans are fermented at an average temperature below 25°C for 48 hours. During this process, a wine yeast is added to the fermentation tank, which assists with creating the precursors to flavour that are then transformed into those fruity tasting notes when we roast the coffee. After 48 hours, the beans are washed again at 5°C.

3. Drying

The beans are dried for 76 hours at an average temperature 40°C until they reach the desired moisture content.

Our relationship

The coffee was harvested in October 2023 and arrived in the UK in May 2024. We first met Jonny Martinez over Zoom in May this year, and loved learning about his family’s work and approach to coffee production. We then had the opportunity to try samples of his coffees and immediately knew that we had to purchase this Caturra from Jonny’s import company, Mi Cafe Trading Co. We’ve already undertaken to buy coffee from the next harvest, and are super excited to watch him and his family continue to make huge strides in speciality coffee!

For further details on the prices below visit our Transparency Page.

Price to producer
Paid by Mi Cafe
Total cost

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