Dos Pueblos Blend

Dos Pueblos Blend

£ 10.00 
Stone Fruits


Our house blend, Dos Pueblos (“two towns”), combines coffees sourced through our direct producer partnerships and trusted importers to create a sweet, smooth, beautifully balanced cup. The blend components rotate according to crop seasonality and what we think is tasting delicious at the time. Pair it with milk or alt-milk or drink it black - it’s our go-to everyday espresso. The current iteration features a natural lot from Brazil - providing smooth milk chocolate notes - balanced by a plum-like acidity from a natural process Colombian caturra. An anaerobic natural Parainema from Nicaragua contributes caramelised sweetness and subtle stone fruit notes.

Fazenda Mió - Brazil (33.33%)

We purchased this coffee directly from Fazenda Mió, whose farm is located in the municipality of Monte Santo de Minas in south-eastern Brazil.  It is owned and run by the Pellicer family, who also export, import and store coffee.  We sourced this coffee through Ana Luiza Pellicer, who represents Mió abroad. The farm is approximately 1,589 hectares, and sits approximately 900-1000 M.A.S.L. A third of the farm is used for milling and processing coffees, using state-of-the-art technology. Alongside coffee trees, the farm also boasts large swathes of native forest reserve.

This coffee is a mix of catuaí, bourbon and mundo novo, which underwent a natural process. The cherries were harvested (through a combination of hand-picking and machine harvesting) between May and June 2023.  They were then dried on concrete patios for 14 days, then dried mechanically for 5 days. After hulling (using cross beater hullers and an oscillating screen grade to separate the cherries by size), the coffee was sorted (using optical sorting technology), then blended and bagged.

El Indio - Colombia (33.33%)

This natural process caturra was produced by coffee farming families based in the Planadas Municipality, located in Tolima, center-west Colombia.  Their farms, sitting between 1500-2150 M.A.S.L, boast soils rich with nutrients from volcanic ash.  

We purchased the coffee from Cofinet. We have wanted to work with Cofinet for some time, given our shared values and approach to sourcing coffee.  Cofinet not only produces coffee on its own family’s farms, but also connects other smallholder producers with speciality roasters, and supports those producers to learn how to better grow and process their own coffee cherries. Doing so helps such producers add value to their coffee and, in turn, increase their income.

Cofinet sources the coffee that forms the El Indio lot from two cooperatives in Tolima - ASOPEP (“Asociación de Productores Egológicos de Planadas”) and ASCI’SP (the “Association of Indigenous Coffee Growers of San Pedro Páez in Gaitana), which each work with a number of coffee producing families. Each coffee producer selectively harvests the ripe cherries then slowly dries them on raised beds in order to achieve 11% moisture content, before delivering them to their respective cooperative.

Finca San Antonio - Nicaragua (33.3%)

After cupping an extensive number of coffees to select the final component of our blend, we chose this natural Parainema, imported by Mercanta. It was produced by the Günkel Mairena family on their farm, Finca San Antonio, which sits amidst the Isabelia mountain range in the Matagalpa department of Nicaragua. The family has grown coffee on their farm for 46 years, and it is currently run by Marie. The farm spans 79 hectares, nearly half of which is preserved as part of the “El Arenal Nature Reserve” to protect one of the few remaining intact portions of cloud forest in Nicaragua.

Price to producers
Paid by exporters
Total cost

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